
Meet the MEASURED Team – Davide Venturi: WP1 Leader

Meet Davide Venturi, Innovation Manager at GVS SpA, who plays a pivotal role in the MEASURED project as the leader of Work Package 1 (WP1) and co-coordinator of the initiative. His mission? Bridging cutting-edge membrane technology with real-world market opportunities.

Discover more by reading his interview!


Can you briefly introduce yourself and your role in the MEASURED project? 

My name is Davide Venturi and I have been employed in GVS SpA since September 2022. I was initially involved in the R&D department as a project manager and later moved to the role of Innovation Manager, supervising the activity of the company in publicly financed projects and open innovation initiatives. Within the MEASURED project, I lead Work Package 1 and I am also involved in the co-coordination of the project itself. Moreover, I collaborate with the other partners to move forward the technical activities, in which GVS has an active role. 

Could you provide an overview of your work package’s objectives, its importance within the MEASURED project, and the key goals, targets, or milestones you aim to achieve? 

Work Package 1 is focused on understanding the market potential of the membrane technologies being developed within the project and helping their future exploitation. This is firstly developed through an analysis of the current process industry landscape and where our technology could be seen as a significant improvement beyond the state of the art. Following the research throughout the project, the activity of WP1 shifts towards understanding the most exploitable technological traits and keeping track of them. Towards the end of the project, a customized business model for each major result will be delineated, in order to maximize its potential market impact. 

What are the key achievements of your work package so far, and what are the next steps moving forward? 

Early in the project activity, the WP1 team has been able to develop a few significant contributions. Firstly, a detailed market analysis has been laid out, which identified the most promising sectors and customers for our results and the current state of the technology landscape. Secondly, an initial business model analysis has been prepared, that focuses on the defining characteristics of the membrane technologies of the project (Membrane Distillation, Pervaporation and Gas Separation) and outlines the steps required towards a go to market strategy. From here, WP1 collected the main KERs (Key Exploitable Results) from the partners’ research and created a preliminary exploitation and business strategy. Moving forward, the activity will involve a Value Proposition action, mostly declined towards the creation and spreading of a questionnaire to all the possible stakeholders and customers of MEASURED’s research output. The exploitable results collection will move forward until the end of the project, when the construction of a final business model is planned. 

How did you collaborate with other work packages? What has been the impact of this collaboration? 

Collaboration has been always paramount within the activity of Work Package 1; being this one a non-technical WP, the information it is based upon is largely provided by other partners, who are involved by sharing their advancement and know-how (e.g. exploitable results). This continuous communication is allowing the progressive buildup of the knowledge needed to construct a comprehensive final business model aimed at a concrete g to market strategy. 

Is there anything else you would like to share about your work package or the MEASURED project in general? 

Overall, I see very positively the inclusion of a business development WP within a technical scientific research project, since this can also help direct the activity to a more industrially viable path.